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Page history last edited by mab 12 years, 3 months ago



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Brixton Brothers series, Mac Barnett

Sherlock Files series, Tracy Barrett

Madhattan Mystery, John J. Bone

Ruby Redfort: Look Into My Eyes, Lauren Child

Theodore Boone series, John Grisham

Eddie: The Lost Youth of Edgar Allan Poe, Scott Gustafson

Closed for the Season: A Mystery Story, Mary Downing Hahn

Chet Gecko Mystery series, Bruce Hale

The Case of the Deadly Deperados, Caroline Lawrence

Charlie Collier, Snoop for Hire: The Homemade Stuffing Caper, John V. Madormo

Vanishing Acts: A Maggie Brooklyn Mystery, Leslie Margolis

Milo & Jazz Mysteries, Lewis B. Montgomery

Chicagoland Detective Agency series, Trina Robbins

Slate Stephens Mysteries, Sneed B. Collard

Enola Holmes series, Nancy Springer

Three Times Lucky, Sheila Turnage


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