

Page history last edited by Kathy Leonard 12 years, 4 months ago



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Books on this list are for the child who has started to read with more confidence, but still needs help. Titles have more text on the page, more words per sentence, and an occasional unfamiliar word.  Listed as series, first book in series, then author.  Not all books listed are part of a series.


Fly Guy series, Hi, Fly Guy!, Tedd Arnold

Max Spaniel series, Dinosaur Hunt, David Catrow

Are You My Mother?, P.D. Eastman

Go, Dog, Go!, P.D. Eastman

Dixie series, Dixie, Grace Gilman

Ducks in a Row, Lori Haskins

Silly Sara, Anna Jane Hays

No Sword Fighting in the House, Susanna Leonard Hill

Big Red Apple, Tony Johnston

Max and Mo series, Max and Mo's First Day of School, Patricia Lakin

Hippo and Rabbit series, Hippo and Rabbit in Three Short Tales, Jeff Mack

Little Critter series, Going to the Firehouse, Mercer Mayer

Stinkyface series, Ready for Kindergarten, Stinky Face?, Lisa McCourt

Olivia series, Olivia Takes a Trip, Ellie O'Ryan

Mouse Loves School, Lauren Thompson

The Lemonade Stand, Marcia Vaughan

Mac and Cheese series, Mac and Cheese, Sarah Weeks

Elephant and Piggie series, Today I Will Fly, Mo Willems


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